European History
Unit 5 – Absolutism and State-building in the 17th Century
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Social Phenomena
Witches and witchcraft- witchcraft affected many lives of Europeans in the sixteenth and seventeenth century. Witchcraft was thought to be connected with the devil therefore making witchcraft heresy.
Witch trials- More than 100,000 people were prosecuted throughout Europe for witchcraft during the sixteenth and seventeenth century. Accused witches mostly confessed to witchcraft usually after intense torture. If found guilty of witchcraft, witches would be either hung or burned at the stake.
Thirty Years War
Gustavus Adolphus- He was responsible for transforming Sweden into a great Baltic power. He brought disciplined and well-equipped Swedish to northern Germany. Adolphus also was a devoted Lutheran who felt he needed to aid his coreligionists in Germany.
Peace of Westphalia- It ended the war in Germany and ensured that all the German states were free to determine their own religion (1648).
Conscripted standing armies- First developed by Gustavus Adolphus, this army had very flexible tactics and was primarily offensive.
Absolute Monarchy
Absolutism- The sovereign power or ultimate authority in the state rested in the hands of a king who claimed to rule by divine right.
Bishop Jacques Bossuet- He was one of the chief theorists of divine-right monarchy in the seventeenth century. He argued that government was divinely ordained so that humans could live in an organized society in his book Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture.
‘divine right’- The belief that power is received from God and you are responsible God only. The order of the ruler must be obeyed because it is the order of God.
Cardinals Richelieu- Cardinal Richelieu was Louis XIII’s chief minister; he initiated policies that strengthened the power of