Illegal immigrants are gaining a larger share of the job market and are spreading beyond the traditional immigrant states like California, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. According to CNN illegal immigrant report, illegals are moving to states like Utah, Washington, and Georgia because of the increasing number of companies eager for cheap labor. …show more content…
Illegal immigrants send money back to their country to better their standard of living. If an illegal immigrant works for minimum wage for a year they will make approximately 15 thousand which is 307139 pesos. There is a significant cost associated with circumventing the labor laws. The ordinary expenses of health care, 401k, retirement funding, education and law enforcement are potentially accruing 30 billion per year. There are an estimated 5 million illegal workers that are collecting wages on a cash basis and avoiding income taxes. Budget procedures, tax collection, and school capacity planning are a few of the public sectors that rely on an accurate head count. Fifteen percent of the students in the Texas education system are Hispanic and over half of them have don't have English as their first …show more content…
The people who are poor and jobless are encouraged to flee the country to come across the border illegally. They come to find work and set up housing for their families. They claim taxes and welfare that are supposed to be for the American citizens. If it is needed for people to flee their countries they need to do it legally for the protection of the American people.
Additionally, the building of a wall in the borders would mean security for the border, preventing entry of possible terrorists. This change also lessens the illegal workers willing to work for cash that hurt the middle and lower class job market. The wall stops the contribution of overcrowding to school, traffic congestion, the health care crisis, By building the wall it can help the economy to generate 6 to 7 billion from the millions of upcoming illegal workers.
Finally, I can say that the US has a responsibility to address this issue. They have the responsibility to protect their people. They must take this responsibility seriously. They must build this wall to protect the American