My main academic weaknesses include: being a perfectionist, sometimes procrastinating assignments, and becoming bored in classes I don’t enjoy as much. I feel that being a perfectionist can help me, but it also hurts me in many ways as well. The upside is that I feel as if I must have all “A’s” in my classes. This sets a great goal for me to achieve. It hurts me in the fact that I will second guess myself and take more time than necessary on certain things. I usually don’t procrastinate, but if it’s an assignment I think is unnecessary and it’s assigned towards the end of a semester, my natural reaction is to push it off. Finally, if I’m in a class that I don’t enjoy going to, I become bored. When I become bored, it can make me not pay attention as well as I should and not perform as well because of
My main academic weaknesses include: being a perfectionist, sometimes procrastinating assignments, and becoming bored in classes I don’t enjoy as much. I feel that being a perfectionist can help me, but it also hurts me in many ways as well. The upside is that I feel as if I must have all “A’s” in my classes. This sets a great goal for me to achieve. It hurts me in the fact that I will second guess myself and take more time than necessary on certain things. I usually don’t procrastinate, but if it’s an assignment I think is unnecessary and it’s assigned towards the end of a semester, my natural reaction is to push it off. Finally, if I’m in a class that I don’t enjoy going to, I become bored. When I become bored, it can make me not pay attention as well as I should and not perform as well because of