This essay is written in accordance with the corrective measures given by the issued red chit. In this essay, I will discuss a few of the many important points of why a police officer should make sure his/her equipment is secure.…
Each branch of the U.S. military has its own advancement framework for its enrolled individuals.…
Purpose: to provide a refresher on property accountability and an awareness of Army physical security. Agenda Government Property Accountability Equipment Sensitive Items Weapons Physical Security Government Property OCIE Your personal equipment Unit/Section Equipment Tentage, Radios, Vehicles, Anything Green Vehicle BII Driver or TC responsible for Accountability Clothing Record (DA 3845 and Electronic) Used for OCIE Hand Receipt (DA 2062) Used for equipment Sensitive Items Cannot be lost Report immediately to the chain of command if missing Comsec equipment Weapons Certain Technology SINCGARS NBC Alarms, NVG’s Weapons Individuals issued arms are responsible for their security at all times. Each issued weapon will be carried on the person at all times. Weapons will not be entrusted to the custody of another person. Pistols will be secured with a lanyard. AR 190-11 Responsibility You are responsible for all US Army equipment you sign for. You can be charged for missing or damaged equipment. If you lose it, report it! A field loss can be investigated if reported immediately. You buy it on the showdown. Physical Security (Defined) "That part of security concerned with physical measures designed to safeguard personnel, to prevent unauthorized access to equipment, installations, material and documents, and to safeguard them against espionage, sabotage, damage, and theft." AR 190-16 What Does That Mean? Physical security is meant to counter the threat during peace and war. Threat can range from enemy forces to terrorists to civilian criminals or saboteurs. How to Practice Physical Security Limit Access Secure Equipment Guards Locks Physical Barriers Fences Buildings Access Military Installations (Armories) will have access control. Installation Specific Varies based on Threat. Conclusion Secure equipment! Remember – You signed for it, you own…
I won’t sit here and say losing my i.d card was completely out of my reach but things happen I’m only human. But I can assure you that it won’t happen again. But Losing a Military Identification Card has a lot of downsides. There is no good in losing a Military Identification Card regardless of the situations. Accountability in the military is extremely important. Accountability of government property is very important to avoid wasteful spending. It is also important because with items like ID cards it also controls access to sensitive areas. Lack of accountability shows a lack of responsibility. Accountability is very important and crucial for success in the army. But when you join the military they utilize a specific kinds of identification cards. These cards are for any people that are in or related to the armed forces, whether it is marines ,navy ,and in my case the army. They are also issued out to family members and their dependants, and civilian Department of Defense workers. Military I d cac cards are required components of military uniforms in a day to day life of a soldier. In the Army regulation 670-1 it requires that soldiers must at all times carry a military-issued identification card, whether in acu’s or in civilian clothes. Your Military ID card is required to travel on and off military installations such as , access commissaries, Post Exchanges and dinning Facilities. Your military id also serves as an indication of a service member's rank and branch of service .On their military id card along with the rank and branch of service, is the persons ETS date, their full name, date of birth. It is essential that is always maintained on person and kept well track off, because if lost you are hindering the army’s...…
there are many reasons why someone who is a soldier must always remain accountable of all the items that they are accountable for. When accountabilty is not being maitained the impact is far reaching. It affects not just soldier but the unit and also the entire unit's mission. It ties into many basic aspects of being a soldier such as discpline and army values. poor acountabilty degrades unit readiness. It takes away from a unit's abilty to respond to any situation. Accountabilty is needed at all times. It is needed during the normal duty hours of the day and also when a soldier is off duty and not currently working. Soldiers are exspected to always be accountable for their gear. This is exspected because it is a basic component of being a good solider and is needed in all aspects of soldiering. When good accountabilty is neglected the unit readiness is lower The equeipment that is given is needed to keep the unit ready. when you take out the accountable equeipment out, the unit is no longer as caple as it was when it had the equipment it was accountable for that why it is always needed to pratice good…
Accountability is an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for ones actions. Those that are unable to be accountable are the ones that jeopardize the combat readiness of any unit. It is the understanding that everyone is going to do and is willing to do the right thing even when no one else is looking. Everyone is assigned tasks and details not only including your own job that you are expected to do and do right but hold others accountable as well as a system of “check yourself, than check your buddy.” Doing the job correctly and ensuring others do it as well and do it safely are all part of accountability in the military as it can be dangerous given the types of equipment and tools we use. As an example any tools and or equipment left unsupervised can be lost and or stolen. As such in that event if the tools and or equipment was left out instead of signed out the wrong person becomes accountable. Everyone is accountable for their actions. You should always act responsibly as well, not just yourself but everyone. We spend thousands of dollars for each person to be trained and when ready, the expectation at your permanent party duty station is that you are going to be accountable for your actions and you as an individual operate and, that everyone around you is going to do the same. It is what is not only taught but it is what’s expected from everyone. Being accountable means being dependable, showing up to work and to appointments on time, meeting deadlines, being at the right place and at the right time and doing the right thing at the right time. It is also to see if everyone showed up to work or where they are supposed to be. Accountability is not only for keeping track of other people it can also be for keeping track of money, gear, legal documents, and many other things. The reason you would want to keep track of any of this is so if there is ever a time where a lot of equipment or other items goes missing you would be able to look…
The definition of sensitive items is anything that considered classified or a mission essential item. They range anywhere from protective wear, maps, patrol routes, nods (night vision goggles) or simply your weapon. The meaning of securing your sensitive items mainly is maintaining accountability for opsec (operation security), mission success and a soldiers overall readiness. If an item is lost and the enemy gets his/her hands on that item it could compromise the mission at hand or give them intelligence on the items we as soldiers use each day. Using habits and exercising the securing of sensitive items will make it possible for the soldier and his or her team to operate at the top performance. Operational security is process that denied valuable information to an enemy. If an enemy were to obtain the presented it could be used against our forces. Not securing sensitive items increases the risk of loss by being intercepted by unauthorized personnel. Every soldier must maintain accountability and positive control of all sensitive material to allow full use by them and anyone involved with the mission at hand while still maintaining operational security. Operational security can be compromised through the loss of sensitive items due to loss of equipment used for operational planning, or items used for support missions. Also depending on the type of sensitive item that is being classified it could fall under a different level of security as it is deemed so by the U.S. Government. The levels included in the term classified are restricted (public disclosure could have undesirable effects or do some harm), confidential (unauthorized disclosure could damage national security example would be compromising information that indicates the strength of armed forces or disclosure of technical information about weapons), secret (unauthorized disclosure could seriously damage national security) and top secret (unauthorized disclosure could…
The loss of any equipment can lead to a loss in operational security. You don’t want information much less equipment to fall into enemy hands. This could potentially lead to a loss of life.…
This is my 500 word essay on the importance of remembering my gear at all times. Proper gear accountability can range from the most important pieces of gear such as my rifle all the way to my Kevlar. The units and individual Soldiers to whom this gear is issued are held accountable for maintaining them. Losing a piece of gear could have repercussions ranging from payment for lost property to legal action. In addition to these are other consequences.…
It would be overly simplistic to say that military necessity gives armed forces a free hand to take action that would otherwise be impermissible, for it is always balanced against other humanitarian requirements of IHL. There are three constraints upon the free exercise of military necessity. First, any attack must be intended and tend toward the military defeat of the enemy; attacks not so intended cannot be justified by military necessity because they would have no military purpose. Second, even an attack aimed at the military weakening of the enemy must not cause harm to civilians or civilian objects that is excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated. Third, military necessity cannot justify violation…
Accountability is very important in the Army. Accountability is taking responsibility for your actions and your items. By meaning what you say, saying what you mean, and doing what you say, when you say you will do it. By keeping track of all my items and equipment I can always be ready for anything that is needed of me by my country, my superiors, or other servicemen. Being accountable means being dependable. Where my country, my superiors and fellow servicemen can count on me in any situation. to know I will be there to do what is necessary. Taking responsibility for your own actions and equipment is what keeps things running smoothly. And keeps things from turning into utter chaos. Being in formation on time everyday is an prime example of accountability. Formation is where the Army takes accountability of everyone and to get important information out that needs to be dealt with. Without accountability there is no knowing of where everyone is or whats going on. Knowing where your equipment and personal effects are at all times is very important also. By not putting a lock on my wall locker, I was not talking responsibility for my own items, and not doing what I was told to do by my superiors. I was not being responsible. Keeping my items locked and secured is very important now and in the future. As with keeping all sensitive items secured and accounted for later on. Keeping my wall locker locked, keeps accountability of all my items and teaches me to always maintain my equipment, my arms, and myself. Many things could have happened by me failing to adhere to my responsibilities. My wall locker could have been vandalized, or items of mine could have been stolen. And if it was sensitive information that was seen or taken, I could have jeopardized people lives or the outcome of our country. If my items were taken, Then I would not have the proper items and materials to be properly trained to the standards of a…
Throughout a Soldier’s training and career the Soldier’s Creed is the core value set that soldiers’ are expected to learn and live by. These are the values that a soldier is held accountable to. A soldier can thrive and fail in these values, but one thing is for sure, they will be held accountable. Most of these values are easy to understand and all make logical sense that a soldier should possess these values. The one value that many soldier’s struggle with is the accountability in “I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself.” When a soldier fails to maintain these values they are held accountable. Which leads to a few questions: What is accountability? How does accountability pertain to the United States Army? What does all this mean to the value stated in the Soldier’s Creed, “I always maintain my arms, my equipment, and myself.” How does all this apply to an individual soldier? And a personal note, on how accountability plays a role in my career as a United States Soldier.…
This essay I am writing is about the importance of gear accountability in the United States Marine Corps. During this essay I will be explaining the importance of gear accountability, the effects of not having gear accountability, and what we as Marines need to keep in our minds when it comes to keeping track of our gear.…
Accountability in the military has to be one of the most important things to keep track of in the military. Always knowing where your Marines, tools, equipment, etc. are vital to mission completion.…
The main reason for this essay is because I did not follow out proper orders and was not at the correct place of duty for PT/Accountability formation at the correct time. Although there was a miscommunication, granted on my half, there is still no excuse for me to miss a formation. I want to be an excellent soldier and I want to excel in the military. The first step I need to put into action is always making sure I am at the appropriate place of duty at the correct time or preferably with time to spare. This is a simple task that is easy and painless to ensure, and it will be accomplished.…