In vitro fertilization is a process by which egg cells are fertilized by sperm outside of the womb. For couples who cannot conceive in the “natural way” through intercourse and fertilization of the egg and sperm, some may choose to undergo IVF in order get pregnant. People who might not fully understand IVF and how it works may argue that it is science getting in the way of what should be natural. Not everyone can conceive in the natural way and that is why I will be discussing the positives and successes of IVF for infertile couples.
Infertility is 12 months or more of unprotected intercourse without pregnancy. Most childless couples with a female age under 43 that are having problems getting pregnant are considered infertile but not sterile. Someone would undergo IVF because they cannot naturally conceive. There are various reasons that cause someone to be incapable of conceiving. Some of these include: male infertility: low sperm count, low ovarian reserve, anatomy of the uterus, blockage in the fallopian tubes, female age, egg quality and quantity, endometriosis, and unexplained infertility.(advanced fertility center of Chicago)
One of the first questions that most people ask about the In-vitro Fertilization procedure is "what is the chance for success?" Success varies with many factors. The age of the woman is the most important factor, when women are using their own eggs. Success rates decline as women age, and success rates drop off even more dramatically after about age 37. There is, however, no evidence that the risk of birth defects or chromosome abnormalities (such as Down's syndrome) is any different with assisted reproductive technology than with natural conception.” (Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology) Success rates also depend on the number of embryos being transferred. More embryos transferred increases the chance of one attaching to the uterus, but it also poses the risk of multiples. The rate