The Confederate flag is more than just a simple flag used to represent the people. Behind the Confederate flag, lays a story to be told. The flag is a symbol of history not hatred. Many men and women served and died under the Confederate flag to keep their independence. Getting rid of the flag that honors the deaths
of all is an insult to the fallen people. It is our right to wave the flag proudly. Not all Confederate flag owners owned slaves. Less than 10% of the Southern population owned slave, but many used the Confederate flag to represent their ideals. The real issue today is not about changing or erasing a flag. The real issue today is about make the country a better place. Getting rid of the flag, won’t correct the errors that were committed in the past. If all the errors that were committed under the use of the Confederate flag were erased, many heroes and important events would cease to exist. Erasing the past is not part of a solution. For what we need is a solution to the future. Bearing the flag is a reminder of what occurred. It’s a lesson of what we need to take in.
How would you feel to have people misunderstand your heritage? There would be someone who will be constantly hating on your ideals. People should be given the chance to explain why they feel so strongly for the flag. This flag supports our freedom of choice. Our people fought for choice and gave their lives for it. It is our right to believe in we want .People should be able to wave the flag without anyone trying to ban it.