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When you think of addiction, you probably think of drugs or alcohol, but a large population of Americans are addicted to their devices, and the internet. In source 3, matt richtel describes a girl’s compulsion to the internet and her devices. “The laptop can consume her.” Many of the children today consume their free time with electronics. Once you pick up a device, it is difficult to put it down.…
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All my life I have been addicted to computers, and most of the time my urge to be on the laptop has kept me inside and prevented me from playing football and other sports with my friends. The Internet is a big reason why people communicate less with one another. It works kind of like a drug because of the way it controls the human mind. The Internet hinders human interactions because of the way it consumes people’s time, alters their behavior and influences their educational research.…
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Additionally, game addicted individuals may be at risk of suffering epileptic seizures. Doctors do not have enough evidence of the correlation between epileptic seizures and massive multiplayer online games players, but they agree that MMOGs players need to be aware of the risk ,physiologist stated that other internet addiction health problems are feelings of anger, social withdrawal, tiredness, lying,…
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I am writing in regards to the rapidly growing group of online addicted gamers. I have been influenced to write to you after reading a recent article titled ‘What online addiction is doing to our children’ by Anmar Frangoul. The article shared my own opinion that opinion that Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing game (MMORPG’s) should be monitored for activity have restrictions for the amount of time played per week to lessen the effects on the current and future gaming society.…
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When researchers presented evidence to people that the internet causes addiction, depression, and psychological discombobulation, they resounded,“‘What’s next? Microwave abuse and Chapstick addiction’” (Dokoupil). Truthfully, people find the evidence impossible to fathom. The Internet allows us to instantly access the business world, keep in touch with our friends, and make our work easier. It would seem that the benefits would far outweigh any problems. Serious problems, however, can occur to Internet users when they use the Internet far too much. Evidence shows that excessive Internet use can damage people's intelligence, hinder relations and cause depression, and can impose on people a virtual world or an altered sense of reality.…
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Internet addiction disorder may lead to many health problems if done for a long period of time and not changed. A main health condition caused by too much use on the computer is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome,…
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Internet addiction is described as an impulse control disorder which is similar to pathological gambling; some online users may develop an emotional attachment to the friends they “meet” and the activities created. It can be developed when you constantly use it as a way to distract yourself from the problems going on in reality. The results of internet addiction leads to personal, family, academic, financial and occupational problems that develop…
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Technology can not only negatively effect ones physical health, privacy but there are also emotional and psychological effects which can be disastrous.’ Internet addiction is a psychological dependency on using the internet regardless of the type of activity once logged on’ .caplan 02. ‘a cycle of five successive and interdependent stages’.young01. Discovery, experimentation, escalation, compulsion, and hope lessness lead the person through a series of cause and effect emotions..yong.08 describes a person with a tendancy to avoid life problems by medicating him self with the internet.Lonely people with low self esteem choose emotional relationships with cyberspace frinds. Becase ‘real’ individuals rejecting them is no longer possible, the person feels safe and confident in his world of denial.abs 08. Bisides social awkwardness and isolation the psychologically dependant person is one who tends to avoid real life situation and problems.abs.08..speaks of increasing absence from work as a woman’s online sexual fantasies grew into an obcession . to feel angry, jealous, rejected and abandoned as they experience the emotional pain of an online affair by their partner. Conflict and emotional cost is also a result of poker playing online.chb.00. states that intense players played 3 times longer than the majority, in one study.. Other life activities would be effected more and more. An incrase in emotional pain resulting.…
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internet has such an impact on us that many people acquire an addiction to it and this is causing…
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The fundamental problem of IAD is not a computer. Person is not addicted to the machine but to the emotional states that arise as a result of his/her own activities accomplished by the computer and through the computer. For instance, an on-line games player may become addicted to the strong excitement, the emotional "high” and the satisfaction of winning. For someone else it would be sexual arousal felt by reviewing porn Websites. However, “since the aspects of the Internet where people are spending the greatest amount of time online have to do with social interactions, it would appear that socialization is what makes the Internet so ‘addicting’,” writes John M. Grohol, Psy.D. (Grohol, M. John. “Internet Addiction Guide.” Psych Central. Psych Central, 28 Nov. 2008 . Web 8 Feb 2011) Internet dependency can be dangerous because it can lead to social isolation, extreme neglect of important life issues, family conflicts, arguments between partners and can lead to a variety of adverse conditions and psychiatric disorders.…
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This external environment is all the forces, events and relationships exteral to the firm that may affect the future of the organization or the implementation of a mkt plan.…
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It is known that we are living in technological era. The computers become irreplaceable tool in everyday life of almost each person. The adult users generally use it for business purposes while youngsters for computer games. Computers became the part of our life and very important component in the spheres of the life is leisure. It plays a vital role in all fields of the life. And nowadays majority of young people spend their leisure time playing computer games, surfing through the internet. When we add the internet to this small machine it becomes a big world that could attract many people to enter it and live in it. Moreover, they would become friendlier with it and spend most of their time dealing with it until they fell in a big problem which is called an computer addiction. Computer addiction is a disorder in which the individual turns to the Internet or plays computer games in an attempt to change moods, overcome anxiety, deal with depression, reduce isolation or loneliness, or distract themselves from overwhelming problems.…
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Computer Addiction is an ongoing problem for youths to adults everywhere. It involves the person spending time on the computer for hours more than necessary. The problem with Computer Addiction is that as more youths are logging onto the computer, they are spending more time online than doing another things. They become addicted to the computer, and use their time on the computer instead of doing other things, like spending time with the family or doing homework.…
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Spending too much time on the internet can affect you very much. It can interfere with your social life, the addiction can lead to the inability to communicate in the real world, and your family bonding. You could have mixed feelings of guilt while at the computer, and it can also distract you from your work/school related work. And because of the lack of exercise and movement, obesity is a huge symptom. To some people, when you are not on the computer, you think about it frequently and anticipate when you will use it again.…
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