Angela McSwain
Comp 200: Interpersonal Communication
Instructor: Cassandra Daniel
May 27,2013
Miscommunication is misunderstood and can be taken the wrong way. We all have our own perceptions and opinions of how things are said. With this being said it can have negative or positive impact on the people that are close to you. They are many different types of interpersonal conflict and many reasons Usually type of conflict comes from perception of one or both individuals involved that may be completely inaccurate. The Perception could be from formed from, a person’s tone of voice, their speaking style; even their accent can create a negative perception. Often times a stereotype based on culture, and the expectation of how someone is going to respond before communication even begins can ignite a conflict for the very first word. I watch the movie Hitch. It was great movie I really enjoyed watching this movie and paying close attention to the details in this move. It was lack of communication and listening and trust issues between Sarah and Alex. As individuals disclose information about themselves the hope is they will not be judged or looked at differently. Our text explains that “when you self-disclose, others have personal information about you. Perhaps they will judge you negatively
In the movie Hitch he was hurt in college by his girlfriend who was not faithful to him. He took that relationship ending to give him success. He study women all about their habits, likes, dislike everything women wanted in a man. He took his pain and it made him an advisor that that gave advice to men so they could attract women that were not in there league. He teaches them to listen, compliment, and be sincere with these women. When it came to his own relationship he did not take his advice. The movie show scenes that where another couple was walking he was listening with sincere he acted like he cared about what she said. Hitch lack the skill of interpersonal relationships.
Hitch meets Sarah and they have a wonderful relationship. He fails to tell her the truth about his job. Sarah gets upset when her best friend is dump by her man cause of what a advisor told him to do. When she finds out that Hitch was the advisor she get mad and confronts him. They get into and have a food fight. Sarah leaves and Hitch want go talk to her and tell her how he feels. Finally he decides to go front Sarah and in the end they end up together and happy.
I found that watching this movie miscommunication can cause problems in a relationship. We need to be complete honest about our communication. We need to learn how to talk with others in every aspect. When building friendship or relationship you have to learn to trust each other and get to know each other. If you do not talk about things you will never have healthy relationships you know. Like the movie after all is said and done and they talk about the issue and work it out they get back together as one instead of being apart as two.
Works Cited
Sole, K. (2011). Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communication. N.p.: Bridgepoint Education Inc.
Close relationships sometimes mask poor communication. (2011, U.S.News & World Report, , 1. Retrieved from
Mordaunt, W., Tadross, M. (Executive Producers), &Tennant, A. (Director). (2005). Hitch [Film]. Los Angeles: Sony Pictures.
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