Established researchers have been given cloudy observer accounts, grainy and unclear photos and movies, and a couple of hoaxed footprints. In such bits of video or photographic "proof", the so called bigfoot is often either blocked by tree limbs or very far away. It brings up the issue why the person recording doesn't just pursue the animal, or possibly attempt and get a clearer shot. The well known Patterson film is frequently referred to as the clearest picture of a potential Bigfoot,and yet the film is shot from an extreme distance. Sounds helpful, doesn’t it?
You should be asking yourself why bigfoot is fake instead of how bigfoot could be real. There is no scenario possible where bigfoot could be real. Researchers have never found any concrete proof that bigfoot is real, the best evidence ever recorded is still very poor quality and shows no prove of a modern day hominid. The descriptions of bigfoot don’t match up to the characteristics of any hominid today. Bigfoot is not real today he is not going to be real tomorrow or was he real in 1967. Think logically, bigfoot is fake, stop wasting your