The gist of all those sayings is to make one feel better. People do not really allow others to feel sad; they push one into feeling okay again. They think that it is wrong of someone to feel upset. The author of How to Feel Okay Mila Jaroniec made a research that shows how there is a procedure one must follow to feel okay again. Make sure not to skip a step. One is overwhelmed about whatever situation one is going through but following this procedure will make one feel okay again. One has to realize that not everything in one's life sucks! One is either over thinking or over reacting. …show more content…
Even after a tragic experience. The power of positive thinking is a hard battle when you have people constantly telling you and guaranteeing you to “get well”. A promise to “recover” is a promise that can be broken at any moment. According to Adam Baer author of The Pressure to Say You're Okay depicts how there are many ways one may pass their time grieving; one does not know how long it will go on. When people ask one to report to one another the pressure to say that you are okay is strong. Not many have time for an actual conversation; they skim through the thoughts of people as the other say what people want to hear. They keep it short and simple that they ending up failing in finding the type of support that they need. In the article What Really Makes A Person Happy by Amanda Chatel, through a list of things that make people happy the first step is caring about other people. Following with, the traits of positive thinking such as: exercise, enjoying culture, having pets, volunteering, having sexual intercourse, and not thinking too hard about being happy. One does not have to meet everything one the list, doing at least one of these things will make someone happy maybe not forever but for the moment. “While wanting to be happy is a good thing, it’s when we don’t let go enough to enjoy ourselves that we end up facing some serious self-defeat”, says Chatel as she