
Jenny's Monologue

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Jenny's Monologue
Scene 1

A middle aged man sits alone in a coffeeshop with a Danish and black coffee. Windows are open; a soft breeze drifting around the shop. The smell of croissants and freshly brewed coffee fills the store. A

woman of a certain age slowly walks around cleaning the tables of those who have just left. She

mumbles under her breath as she cleans, her irritability justified by the barely eaten food left on the

table and crumbs covering the seats. The man looks up from his coffee cup, at the elderly woman and glances at her for just a second before shaking his head. He stands up and pushes his chair in, his wispy black hair drooping over his eyes in the most elegant of ways. He takes a last sip of his coffee before placing the cup a top a small dish
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Sarah: Leave the rest to Jared...

Jenny looks her with wide eyes.

Jenny: The man who started working at your shop? You barely know-

Sarah: It is his.

The sound of the heart monitor fills the room and Jenny and Sarah sit in silence. Jenny walks out when Sarah falls back to sleep. In the morning the hospital calls Jenny to tell her of the passing.

Phone rings.

Jenny: Hello?

Muffled voice heard from the other side of the phone.

Jenny nods, holding her hand to her mouth before she puts down the phone and cries.

Scene 6

Jared goes to the shop at 8:15 and tries to open the door, but the door is locked. The shop is dark.

Jared sits outside the doors for an hour or two, dozing off as he waits for Sarah.

Jenny drives by, a lawyer next to her in her car. The two step out.

Jenny: Are you Jared Smith?

Jared nods.

Jenny: Here. You own this shop now. Sarah gave it to you upon her passing.

Jenny hands him the lease to the building and all the paperwork involving the shop.

Jared stands up.

Jared: She's dead?!

Jenny and the Lawyer nod.

Lawyer: I'm so sorry for your loss. Were the two of you close?

Jared: Only as of

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