Process Of Leading Change
Kevin R. Robinson
Keller Graduate School of Management
Managing Organizational Change
January, 2009
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Executive Summary This research paper will focus on John Kotter’s eight stage process for leading change. Kotter introduced this eight-stage model as a way of looking at the actual stages of the change process itself. This enables us to map our organizational system with the process of change (Leban & Stone, 2008). Without a comprehsive roadmap or model for guiding the change process, organizational leaders may fall short in implementing their strategies for change (Leban & Stone, 2008). In any change effort, managing the change process is clearly important. However, competent management is required to keep change efforts on track. But for most organzations, the much bigger challenge is leading change (Leban & Stone, 2008) The ultimate goal of the topic I chose is to take a deeper look into Kotter’s processes and apply them to organizational change. I will concentrate specifically on his eight stages in great detail from the research performed and relate them directly to change management. During my research I will tie his stages directly to case studies and examples so that one can develop a clear understanding of how they actually work when put to use. A practicing manager may conclude in my findings that implementing a change management model such as Kotter’s may have a great impact for his/her change as it relates to their unique individual environments. They also need to keep in mind that this model is one of many that have been proven.
Literature Review Before I began, I would first like to acknowledge a German born psychologist who is one of the earliest and key contributions to organizational change. This modern pioneer developed a three-step change model still known and widely used today. His
Bibliography: Elephant, P. (2005). Retrieved from PinkLink: Kotter, J Kotter, J. (1995). Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts. Harvard Business Review . Kotter, J. (2008). Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail. Retrieved from Harvard Business Review: Leban, B., & Stone, R Mackinnon, L. (2007). John Kotter on Change Management. Think Differeently . McNamara, C. (2007). Driving Forces and a New Organizational Paradigm. Driving Forces of Change . Quinn, R. (2006). Mastering The Hidden Dynamics of Organizational Change. Retrieved from Informal Coalitions: Rose, K Tools, M. (2008). Implementing change powerfully and successfully. Retrieved from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia