I grabbed my gray crochet ruffled bag. My crochet ruffled bag is kind of big. It has a dark pink crochet flower on it. I like to use that bag when I go the flower garden. I put my phone inside my bag. I grabbed my small perfume bottle of Prada Candy Florale Floral. It’s my favorite perfume in the whole world. I would spray it all over someone who tries to attack me. I put my rosy pink lipstick and eyeshadow in the bag. I like Maybelline Lavender …show more content…
“I like Essie nail polishes.” I said. “I like Sally Hansen. And I like fast drying nail polish.” Julia said. “It’s so amazing, seeing the world’s ugliest girl with a pretty girl.” Emma said. “Who’s this?” Julia asked me. “Needy Emma. She always need help from me. She made me comfort her after her boyfriend broke up with her. She wanted me to replace her in a strip show. And she would ask me to do her homework for her.” I said. “Strip show?” Julia said. “She entered a strip show and she was the only doing it. She asked me to do it for her, because she forgot her friend is having a birthday party. I told her no. The men were sad, so I explained to them that I’m only a thirteen years old. The men understood and they stroked me. They treated me like a baby.” I said. “Oh wow. That’s so mean of her to make you do it. And you should be happy that people think of you as a baby. Now they won’t hurt you.” Julia …show more content…
Many babies are abused by crazy parents.” I said. “True. But at least they won’t hurt you that bad.” Julia said. I started laughing very hard. “They hurted me a lot. But I’m stronger than they thought.” I said. “I’m scared of the dark, but you’re not.” Julia said. “If I was in a scary movie and it was dark, I would be scared.” I said. “You don’t like monsters?” Julia said. “I don’t like monster and horror movies. And horror books. I don’t like horror anything.” I said. “Me too.” Julia