Contextual Teaching and learning I. INTRODUCTION
I.1. Background of the Study
Language is used for communication between individuals, wherever human exist, language exist, that’s why all of us learn some language. There are any way to learn the language, someone can take a course or join at school.
English as we know, is one of the most important subjects that studied seriously in our society. Every sector needs a person who has capability and skill in English that is why people concern a lot to study English.
In this case, students are having tendencies to have difficulties in their process of learning English. Those become the problem of English teachers to be aware of giving effective and appropriate way of teaching English as a foreign language.
English teachers should be aware of some factors that support students to learn English efficiently. One of the factors is choosing and applying the strategy of teaching English.
There are some Teaching strategies, Translation Grammatical Method, Direct Method, Communicative Approach, total Physical respond, Contextual Teaching and Learning and any others.
In this paper, we will describe about Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL).
I. 2. Problem of Study
Based on the background above, the problem is going to be analyzed is :
1. What is Contextual Teaching and Learning?
2. What is the characteristics of Contextual Teaching and Learning?
3. What the Principle of Contextual Teaching and Learning?
4. What the Procedure of Contextual Teaching and Learning?
5. What is the purpose of Contextual Teaching and Learning?
6. What is the strength of Contextual Teaching and Learning?
7. What is the weaknesses of Contextual Teaching and Learning? I.3. Object of Study
Based on the previous statement of the problem, the objective of this paper :
1. To show what is