Body Paragraphs
Key Point: Being unhealthy should not be a way of life.
Evidence: Statistics show the growth rate of child obesity.
Analysis: Nearly 3,000 people die each year just from eating unhealthy.
Transition: We could change this action by eliminating some food choices.
Evidence: We can see progress in just a week.
Analysis: Statistics show in just one week you can lose up to one pound.
Linking Sentence: We can make a drastic change.
Body Paragraphs
Key Point: Poor eating habits develop at a early age.
Evidence: Schools are one big reason why america is at this point.
Analysis: New Jersey if the first state to ban soda, candy, and other junk food in schools.
Transition: The U.S. should enforce this at all schools. …show more content…
Analysis: Children should be taught and change the eating habits at a young age.
Linking Sentence: Teaching children the right way to eat, will help.
Body Paragraphs
Key Point: Replace the junk food with good tasting items.
Evidence: The children will not be disappointed.
Analysis: The cravings will go away and will be substituted.
Transition: Remove vending machines and high calorie foods during the summer.
Evidence: Easier for teachers, students, and staff.
Analysis: By doing so, the children will not notice and make a fuss about it.
Linking Sentence: Making minor changes will help end child obesity.
Counter Argument Paragraph:
Body Paragraphs
Key Point: Removing Junk food from schools will make the students upset
Evidence: If they were raised on eating unhealthy food, It will be hard to make the change.
Analysis: Behavior will change leading to unhappy and disrespectful additudes.
Transition: Just leave the schools vending machines so when the children will want something, they may