First, the curfews on teenagers infringe on human rights of not only the teenagers but also of their parents. If the government announced that they force people not to drink alcohol since it is proven that the people who drink alcohol are more likely to commit crimes, many citizens would resist the announcement of the government since it deprives them of their human rights. Human rights should be considered as the most significant and basic things to be protected in every situation, and curfews violate this principle since they take away the human rights of the minors to use their time for what they want to do and the rights of their parents to educate them in a way they consider as the most proper method for them. The position of the government in educating teenagers is to provide the most appropriate surroundings to all the teenagers and their parents, not to order them to teach the minors uniformly in their own way, such as the curfews on teenagers.
Furthermore, the people who claim that the curfews on teenagers can be the best way to mitigate juvenile delinquency do not understand the intimate reason of the juvenile crime. The teenagers who are already senseless in