(Authors Profile). That changed her life. Koja has perfected a sensual narrative style that projects the intense emotions of her characters (St. James). Only in Buddha Boy novel she narrated in first person. Her first book for young people, Straydog, ushered her into a world as a writer. She is also a strong supporter of animal right. Kathe Koja is writer for both modern horror novels for adults and sympathetic outsider tales for young adult (Authors and Artists). She has written many awardable novels, including Buddha Boy, Straydog, and The Cipher. She has received the Horror Writers of America Bram Stoker award and Locus award for first novel, The Cipher, 1992. “She believe that you can learn everything you need to know about a person by watching the way s/he acts with animals and little kids,the powerless ones” (Author Profile). Buddha Boy is primarily about the same: power. In Buddha Boy novel, she writes about a new boy in high school who must deal with the bullies and find his place in a new social hierarchy (Authors Profile). “Koja’s books are taken seriously as a new direction in horror fiction also” (Authors and Artists). Most young adults and adults enjoy Kathe Koja’s books.
Works Cited
“Kathe Koja” Authors and Artists for Young Adults. Vol. 59. Detroit: Gale 2005. Biography In context. Web. 6 Aug 2013.
“Kathe Koja” Authors Profile. Goodreads. “Kathe Koja” St. James Guide to Horror, Ghost and Gothic Writers. Gale, 1998. Biography In Context. Web. 6 Aug, 2013.