Kent is a stakeholder in this ethical dilemma. This is because he was employed to research the video game that players desired, find ways to get kids addicted to video games and increase Broadway’s revenue. His research revealed that games with violence, graphics and multiple levels would hypnotize players. They quickly became addicted to adding quarters for levels of intensity. With additional features such as having the machine to give candy and tokens to encourage continuation to higher levels would increase coin input . With the video arcade system competition, market pressures can drive an …show more content…
His next assignment is the Lucky game. The targeted market would be adults. This video game system goal was to destroy the enemy before being destroyed. It promoted violence with nudity. With 75% of the market being males he incorporated a female character. With each level completed the female would remove a piece of clothing and the player could taunt the character. The highest level would remove all clothing. The market showed results but Kent decided people would be upset with this game. Kent did not want to go through with the nudity idea. Kent’s values came out plus with upset people in the U.S. this could cause an issue with the company.
Brad is Broadway’s president. He is a key stakeholder in this ethical dilemma. Kent told Brad that the Lucky game was a bad idea and it would upset people with the nudity. He told Kent that Broadway was going to go to the internet with this game and foreign market. Mexico wants it toned down on the violence and Taiwanese had video games already in place similar to this one but they wanted to take it to the next level. Brad worked with Kent to overcome the U.S. obstacles by going to a market that already has this type of games but entering the internet all would have access to this