
Khan Academy: High School Application Analysis

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We live in a progressive globe surrounded by almost endless amounts of information. The world revolves around technology, making apps a powerful tool. Educators have obligations to introduce, encourage, and assist people to master technology, and additionally subjects. Study applications can help students maximize their time in and out of the classroom. When deciding an educational application ensure that the application is curriculum based. There are numerous instructive applications available to students/children and the amount of new evolving application proceeds to expand constantly.
Meanwhile, I use a numerous of instructive applications to help enhance my learning ability. One of my most used applications is Khan Academy. Khan Academy is a not-for-profit for a mission of giving a free, world-class training to anyone, and anyplace. According to Khan Academy, their long-term goal is to develop internationally-recognized diplomas that provide direct access to economic and educational opportunities. While using this application I have been able to maintain a 3.5 GPA in school and my learning style has increased also. I am a big fan of Quizlet; in which I have been using this application for over two years now. This application even allows you to play a game using learning material. Quizlet has
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Study Blue provides the digital tools and study material needed to help every student realize their potential. It is a good application, however I find Quizlet to be easier to understand and use rather than this one. Second application I tried was Cram, which helps with memorization and allows you to study in various ways. Third application is Mathway, it is a math problem solver that helps you with difficult math problems. Furthermore, I do plan to continue to use these new found applications and would recommend them to others. Learning is through

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