supposedly was imitating his World Wrestling Federation heroes when he pummeled his playmate, less than a third of his size” (Lundstrom). This shows that the youth just like do things for the fun of it, and want to feel the experience of doing something. They do not foreshadow the result of their actions, which leds them to acting on impulse right away. The youth does not know about the feelings about others, they only care for their own feelings. Their brains are not mature enough to know about what is hurtful to others, and what is not. These teens should not being tried as adults in the adult criminal court for their behavior.
The problem this society is experiencing is juveniles being given harass punishments for their harmful actions. If a teenager commits a crime he should not have to suffer from rough sentences. This is a problem we have been seeing all over the nation for years and still see it today in the 21st century. A article published in 2001 entitled “Startling Finds On Teenage Brains” discusses a 14-year-old, who is being tried as an adult for first degree murder and possibly could be given life in prison without parole (Thompson). A 14-year-old should have not to serve their life in prison because of a crime they did that they did not know the consequences to. The only way to discipline kids is to teach them, and show them what could possible happen if they do a certain crime. These horrible adult sentences should not be given to any youth members.
Another problem is that we have is juveniles are being tried as adults in the adult court system.
A teenager should not be tried on the same level as an adult, if they can not do things an adult does. Juveniles are too young and know little about the world; therefore, they should not receive the harsh punishment that adults are being given. Since we are the parents of our kids “It’s why they can’t smoke, or drink, or go to R movies without our OK” (Lundstrom). Adults are lot older, intelligent, mature than teens; therefore, they should not be tried on the same level as adults. Although minors have some knowledge their brains are not matured like adults to make right and wrong decisions. It goes far as beyond to saying teens will not know what they did wrong until they are told. In the article “Juveniles Don’t Deserve Life Sentences” Gail Garinger states, “Brain imaging studies reveal that the regions of the adolescent brain responsible for controlling thoughts, actions and emotions are not fully developed. They cannot be held to the same standards when they commit terrible crimes.” This shows that teenagers are not capable of making decisions and they can not control what they do, even if it is wrong they will not know. Teens should not be charged as adults for the crimes they
There are several solutions to these teenager problems. One way the problem can be fixed of teens being charged as adults is to help them make the right choices of not committing crimes. Although kids might still commit crimes, we can try to prevent the crimes by reshaping their minds “Given this delicate-and drastic-reshaping of the brain, teens need all the help they can get to steer their development onto the right path”(Lundstrom). I agree with this statement because teens are not old to enough to know the right decisions sometimes, so giving them aid in making choices can help teens stay out of trouble. We can help with teenager’s brain growth by telling them what is wrong and right. We should not only fix the problem with current juveniles, but also the one for the future. Because teens might be still commit crimes in the future “Part of the solution is to do something different with the next generation of youthful offenders”(Parsell). I agree we should try different techniques to help the future audience of offenders. Laws should be enabled to stop the future youth from being tried as adults until 18. Only way we will know what will help the teens is if we take different actions to prevent juveniles from being tried as adults. Their should be a change made in the criminal justice system, so that teens do not have to suffer harass punishments. There are solutions all around us, but we are not willing to take action to fix this huge problem in our society. Because teens are so violent changing their behavior is important and the best way to do that is to provide young prisoners with chance for them to see why they behave and think like the way they do (Scott). This is a good way to fix the problem of teens being violent. Changing their behavior can decrease the crime rate of juveniles and help resolve the misfortune of young adolescents committing crimes.
Letting teens see why they act like the way do is a very effective solution because they might realize that what they are doing is wrong, and they need to change their ways. This is a very doable solution for all juveniles. Giving them the help they need will improve their minds and give them more information about themselves that they might not know. Reshaping their brains will be a challenging task, but doing so will make a huge change in teenanger’s lives. Showing teens videos, clips, and pictures of right and wrong actions, which will add data to their minds and they will learn more about the world. Once a teen sees a video or clip he/she might think twice before committing a crime. This is a very easy method to use on the youth, who are thinking about committing crimes because it will change their way of thinking. Another effective way we can prevent juveniles crimes is to show the future offenders what can happen when you commit a crime. This is a very safe solution because the youth can visit prisons and see what a life in prison is like. This will be very effective because this can change their train of thought about crimes and will make them see that committing crimes is not a good idea. Showing teens that can be successful and live a good healthy life may change their ways. The more we engage with teens the bigger the impact we can make on them. Trying all these effective solution can teach the youth about all the good in the world and have them not be arrested.