(Chapters 1-10)
• According to the definitions of stress, identify the components of which stress is comprised. o 1. A stressor or some sort of demand, pressure, situation, or event 2. our perception of that stressor 3. an emotional reactions 4. a psychiological reaction • Describe the two types of stress and the two types of distress. o public speaking, abusive relationship • Describe the Yerkes-Dodson Principle. o Too little stress, as well as too much stress, is unhealthy • Describe the types of stressors. o Physiological stressor: illness, injury, etc Sociological stressor: relationships with others psychological stressor: subconscious perception of yourself philosophical stressor: stems from not living with your values/beliefs • Define each of the dimensions of health. o Physical health social health emotional health intellectual health spiritual health environmental health occupational health holistic health: comprehensive and includes more than physical health • Describe how stress and health are related. o quality of each dimension of health may perpetuate and exacerbate a stressful life or contribute to peaceful life • Briefly identify results from NCHA regarding stress as it’s related to health, obesity, and smoking. o obese people (high BMI) were most stressed under them, underweight students • Identify the pioneers of stress and with what they are credited. o Walter Cannon o Edmund Jacobson o Hans Selye o Thomas Holmes o Richard Lazarus o Anita Delongis o Richard Rahe • Describe the Social Readjustment Rating Scale. o Life changes scale” Predict relative chances of getting sick from stressors o Life Change Unit(LCU), The higher the score the more likely a health problem will occur. • Describe Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and how