Kochman, Reidt & Haigh, Inc. (KRH) designs, fabricates, and installs high quality, uniquely designed cabinetry. KRH's primary market is residential construction for both new and remodeled homes in the New England region. Most of the residential work is cabinetry for kitchens, bathrooms, studies, and audio/video storage. About 10% of KRH's work involves commercial projects. For example, in 1992 and 1993, KRH made the cabinetry and paneling for the faculty offices and the Aldrich Reading Room in Baker Library at the Harvard Business School.
Kochman, Reidt & Haigh, Inc (KRH) mendesain, membuat, dan memasang kabinet dengan kualitas yang tinggi dan unik. Pasar primer KRH adalah konstruksi residensial untuk rumah baru dan renovasi di kawasan New England. Sebagian besar pekerjaan residensial adalah untuk kabinet dapur, kamar mandi, studi, dan penyimpanan audio/video. Sekitar 10% dari pekerjaan KRH melibatkan proyek-proyek komersial. Sebagai contoh, pada tahun 1992 dan 1993, KRH membuat lemari dan panel untuk kantor fakultas dan Aldrich Reading Room di Baker Library, Harvard Business School.
Drawing from their diverse backgrounds, the partners of KRH had devised a unique operating strategy of producing high-quality custom cabinets at low cost. The low manufacturing costs were achieved through the introduction of automation to the traditionaly labor-intensive manufacturing process for custom cabinets. The use of computer-controlled equipment allowed K.RH to reduce its labor and other production costs significantly while increasing the efficiency of the manufacturing process. In turn, this enabled the company to offer its customers a wider variety of custom cabinet designs at competitive prices.
Belajar dari latar belakang mereka yang beragam, mitra dari KRH telah menyusun strategi operasi yang unik dalam memproduksi lemari kustom berkualitas tinggi dalam biaya yang rendah. Biaya produksi yang rendah dicapai melalui