Every organization must deal with various aspects of organizational behavior such as job satisfaction as in Kudler Fine Foods. There are various ways to measure job satisfaction to assist in gauging how positive an employee feels toward his job. Some of these various ways include employee surveys, measuring employee absenteeism, exit interviews, retention statistics among many others. The following will discuss how managers can effectively can these various methods to measure the degree of their employee 's job satisfaction. Additionally Kudler Fine Foods is investigating restructuring their organization to create a more cohesive company structure for their continued growth. Numerous personality tests provide important insight to the organization for employee personalities. It is important to select a personality test that will provide accurate insight to promote team cohesion. The evaluations will provide feedback about an employee’s personality in various categories such as thinking, feeling, sensing, etc. The Jung Typology Test is a test that evaluates an individual’s personality by answering a variety of true or false questions. The design of these questions is to discover the individual’s personal strengths in one’s personality. The test breaks down the results, on a scale from 0% to 100%, into four criteria, which are: extroversion – introversion, sensing – intuition, thinking – feeling, and finally judging – perceiving. The combinations of each criterion can be broken down into acronyms, ISTJ (Introvert, Sensing Thinking, and Judging) or ENFP (Extravert, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving) (HUMANMETRICS Jung Typology Test™, 1998). The Jung Typology Test is a personality evaluation, which Kudler Fine Foods can benefit greatly from by implementing this evaluation into their reorganization. The Jung Typology Test provides feedback in the various criteria, which are relevant to the organization. By having
References: About Kudler. (2012). Retrieved from http://kudlerfinefoods.info/about-kudler/ Jung Typology Test Kudler Fine Foods. (2003). Strategic Plan 2003. Retrieved from https://ecampus.phoenix.edu/secure/aapd/cist/vop/Business/Kudler2/intranet/ad/StrategicPlan2003.pdf Kudler Fine Foods Robbins, S., & Judge, T. (2011). Organizational behavior (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ. Prentice Hall. Vitez, O. (2012). Centralized Vs. Decentralized organizational structure. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/centralized-vs-decentralized-organizational-structure-2785.html Dawson, D