Procrastinators meet… Tomorrow! This is a sentiment shared by procrastinators alike. To merely postpone doing something is not procrastination, rather, regularly practicing postponing, qualifies the behavior of procrastination. Idleness, slothfulness, lethargy, and indolence are all characteristics of the negative behaviors associated with the lazily behaving college student. Laziness negatively affects college students on a national level. It can adversely affect the students’ enrollment process as doing so can cause discouragement from registering for courses, which would severely disrupt a students’ semester and possibly admission. Meeting the demand of a college academia can be an arduous task for college students. Laziness can impede upon this task, leading students to fall behind in course work, assignments, quizzes, and exams. Doing so has negative consequences, and procrastination, where the students has either work harder with very little or no time, or cram to meet deadlines, ultimately, causing the student to lag. Failing to keep up with the courses due to laziness will, in due course, bring about the disengagement of the college student. Not being able to meet deadlines, and falling behind can cause lack of involvement and can sometimes lead to a student dropping courses or failing altogether. These adverse affects can reflect badly on the lazily behaving student, and the attending institution alike. The behavior of laziness has an adverse affect on college students at a national level, and should be avoided in order to maintain superior academia.
Laziness unconstructively impacts college students nationally. To initiate in the behavior of laziness can discourage a college student from even simply enrolling or registering for classes. This could in turn, disrupt a student’s entire semester and possibly admission to future enrollment. Subsequently, laziness goes hand in hand with