Essay ·01
What Makes a Leader?
By Daniel Goleman
Daniel Goleman was who first brought the term of emotional intelligence with his book named ‘‘Emotional Intelligence’’ in 1995. He said that emotional intelligence was what distinguished great leaders from merely good ones, his research and studies showed that it was the sine qua non of leadership.
This article shows that he described emotional intelligence as a group of five skills that maximized their performance. These skills are: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skill. The first three components self-awareness, self-regulation, and motivation are self-management skills, while the last two empathy and social skill talk about a person’s ability to manage relationships with others.
The first component self-awareness means having a deep understanding of one’s emotions, strengths, weaknesses, needs, values and drives, as well as their impact on others. People with strong self-awareness are honest with themselves and with others, they recognize how their feeling affect them, other people, and their job performance. They plan their time carefully and get their work done well in advance, they are able to work with a demanding client and turn anger into something constructive, they have good understanding of their values and goals, and they know where they are they want to go through and why.
Self-awareness can be recognized because it shows itself as the ability to assess oneself realistically, people with high self-awareness are able to speak openly. It can also be identified by their self-confidence and also during performance reviews, because they are comfortable talking about their limitations and strengths, and they like to receive constructive criticism.
The next skill is self-regulation that says that biological impulses drive our emotions; it