As my first GOLD workshop, I not only learned important aspects of the program but also focused on various leadership concepts and what qualities we associate with leaders. We were asked to identify a leader in our lives and the characteristics they display and after comparing them to others, I found that we all associate similar qualities in those we view as leaders—from thoughtful and understanding to confident and a good listener, our ideas of a leader were mutual. We also went over a worksheet titled “Thoughts on Leadership,” which was extremely helpful. I learned to not only open my mind to the ideas of others but to also identify with what I believe a true leader is. Reading over the different myths about leadership allowed me to truly understand the moral concepts of leadership and how to recognize the difference between good and bad leadership.
My story connected to this workshop is…
During my senior year of high school, I was president of the student congress organization. The project we decided to head was a twelve-hour Relay for Life to benefit the American Cancer Society. After discussing the various qualities we see in leaders, I could identify many of those in myself and those that I need to work on. Though determined and organized, I tend to have a hard time accepting help from others when in a leadership position. By talking about different concepts regarding leadership and listening to the ideas of others, I was able to realize what qualities I should project that will allow me to be an effective leader to others.
I plan to…
I plan to keep exploring different concepts regarding leadership and not only discussing but enacting those qualities that identify with good leadership. I love to volunteer and be a part of different organizations, so I intend on taking hold of these opportunities to test my leadership skills and work toward becoming more effective and influential to others. Lastly, I plan to continue expanding