1.1. Background of the Study
Writing is one of the four skills beside listening, speaking and reading. Writing is a process of communication. It is very important for anyone to know how to write correctly to send the information to someone. Among writing, reading, speaking and listening, writing is the most complex aspect but it is a crucial skill for students to learn. Students who have the ability and competency in writing English will be able to express themselves effectively. Moreover, they will have more privilege when applying for the job. The reality we often see is that, in fact, many elementary students master the theory better than practice. For example, “they may have the knowledge how to speak, but they find difficulties how to write the word that is spoken by them” (Calkins,2008). They lack of practice, they only see the dictionary to know the meaning of the word and how to tell it rather than remember how to spell and write the word. To build their consciousness of the important to know how the word should be written
There are some problems in writing subject which are : * Lack of Vocabulary
Students have vocabulary problem because they rarely looking for the word by using the dictionary and knowing how the word is should be written. * Different of the pronunciation.
There is a big different between English language and Indonesian Language in the pronunciation, the Indonesian Language which is the main language that used by the students have a different pronunciation with English language for the alphabet and words for example word “U” in Indonesian language the pronunciation still “U” like rumah for house and luka for scar but in English language “U” pronunciation become an “A” in Indonesian language for example sun and jump words. * The method of Learning.
The 8th grade students don’t like the English subject because they could not find any fun when they learn it “They have a great potential
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