1.0 Introduction
What is prostitution? Most of the people common stereotype of prostitution was and illegal job and all of the prostitute is they are all street walkers, drug addicted, controlled by pimps, and willing to accept a few dollar for their services. That’s many woman had been involved into prostitution, they had been involved because of poverty, kidnapped, drug and many else. But how many of them doing this job with their own will, I can said that many of them doing the job without their own will. There was many country illegalized prostitution activity, but for me I protest that prostitution activity must be legalized. Once prostitution activity legalized many victims will be rescued and many …show more content…
woman can make their own choice.
2.0 The choice for women.
First, prostitution activity must be legalized because we had to respect woman also have their own choice to choose. In India that’s many of under age children been prostituted by their parents just because of poverty. Through prostitution they can earn more income for their family, many of them was forced by their parents. True story happen in India, Pranitha was a girl that lived in India. Pranitha’s mother was a woman in prostitution, a prostituted person. She got infected with HIV, and towards the end of her life, when she was in the final stages of AIDS, she could not prostitute, so she sold four-year-old Pranitha to a broker just because of $400. Through this story, I can say that nobody want to involved prostitution activity. There have no choice to choose because they were forced by their own parents. They are sold in the name of adoption. They are sold in the name of organ trade. They are sold in the name of forced labour, anything and everything. I can’t said that legalized prostitution activity can saved many of the victims, but is better to decreases the number of victims. When prostitution activity legalized, they can make to become prostitute or not, respect them and let them have a chance to make their own choice.
2.1 Morality
So, if you take a completely unbiased approach to the problem and try and solve it, the only conclusion that you can come to is that prostitution laws need to be completely reformed. We need to start regulation prostitution and bringing it out of dark alleys into places where we can regulate. This is turn may actually slow down prostitution, the ultimate goal of the moralists. However morals should not be the topic when talking about prostitution. There are certain morals which governs our laws, such as don’t kill any one. This is simple morals that all have an effect on the people around you. You wouldn’t want to be killed. Therefore you don’t do them to other people. However when two consenting adults make an agreement that has no effect on any one around them, then morals fail to be of any consequence to greater good of society.
2.2 Healthy Problem.
Illegal street prostitutes might face pressure from Johns to forgo condoms.
But country that legalize prostitution can require sex works to use condoms and get tasted for sexually transmitted diseases. Sex workers In Nevada have to get monthly test for syphilis and HIV and weekly test for gonorrhoea and chlamydia. Nevada also requires condoms for all sex in brothels. This law is posted on the outside of the state’s brothels. In Singapore, prostitutes are required to undergo periodic health checks and must carry a health card, it can making it safer for not only the prostitutes themselves but also their customers. U.S. department of health reports that only 3-5% of STDs are causes by prostitutes, so if prostitution legalized it would reduce the risk spreading of disease caused by prostitution even …show more content…
2.3 Human trafficking and Taxation.
A part of the prostitutes involved because of human trafficking, they had been kidnapped and force them become a prostitutes.
The pimps control them using drug. They need to have sex to get the drug. They need to prostitute day by day for the drug. There is no more any advantages if the government legalized and tax for this service. It can only get earn less income if service can be taxed. Government also can using this money recycled into federal programs. It also a win for the prostitute because they can work in situations that are more comfortable and protected. If it were against the rules of a licensed escort to provide these service, it would provide a level playing field for all escorts and prostitutes where they don’t have to decide what service they offer based on what the competition is doing, rather what they are comfortable doing which promotes safer sex with prostitutes and their
3.0 Conclusion.
As a conclusion, I strongly believed that legalizing prostitution is the best decision because prostitution is such an activity that harms nobody. Legalizing prostitution will serve the society in better way because that will tend the people focus on human trafficking and AIDS/HIV cases. As I say prostitution activity is an agreement between two people that has no effect on any one around them. Sex need as usual, any normal people need sex for sure. Why we don’t just legalized prostitution and make is become a normal activity seems we all need it. We need to stop our stupid common stereotype and try to understand, rediscover is that prostitution always only have the disadvantages. We need to change our old mind set, change it now! Legalized Prostitution is more pros than cons.
Allan Schwartz, LCSW, Ph.D. (Apr, 2011). Why Do Women Become Prostitutes and Why Do Men Go To Them? Retrieved November 12, 2014 from: http://www.mentalhelp.net/poc/view_doc.php?type=doc&id=42821
Daniel Raphael (Dec, 2013). Legalize Prostitution. Retrieved November 12, 2014 from: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/daniel-raphael/legalize- prostitution_1_b_4251956.html
Sunitha Krishnan (Nov,2009). The fight against sex slavery. Retrieved November 12, 2014 from: https://www.ted.com/talks/sunitha_krishnan_tedindia?language=en
The Baltimore Examiner (Oct, 2006). Legalize Prostitution For Sake of Women. Retrieved November 12, 2014 from: http://prostitution.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=000126