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Natchitoches Parish School Board WAC: Writing Across The Curriculum
Include in Weekly Lesson Plans 1. GLE objective: Write/state the GLE in behavioral terms. Ex: TLW interpret literary devices (puns and analogies) orally and in writing. Grade 7 - ELA GLE #3 2. Motivation: Write what you will do to grab or “hook” the student's attention. 3. Brain-based Strategies: Name the strategies you will use during your teaching presentation (Input, Modeling, and Checking for Understanding) 4. Guided Activities: Name opportunities planned for student to demonstrate a grasp of new learning by participating in an activity under the teacher's direct supervision. 5. Assessment: Determination of whether students “got it” or not. (observation, student demonstration, question/feedback, product) 6. Independent Activity: Reinforcement practice to apply something learned Check students writing for the following: Ideas: Writing is clear and focused Organization: Enhances central idea Sentence Fluency: Writing has easy flow rhythm, and cadence. Word Choice: Words convey intended message Voice: Speaks directly to reader Conventions: Grasp of grammar, subject-verb agreement, other lang. mechanics Presentation: Enhances readers ability to connect with writing The Writing Process Prewriting: graphic organizers lists, webbing/mapping/clustering (plan it) Writing: Rough Draft - Don't stop once you start - let the ideas flow -revise later. Editing: Spelling, capitalization, punctuation grammar, sentence structure, subject/verb agreement, word usage, consistent verb tense, other mechanics Revising: ARRR (adding, rearranging, removing replacing) improve it. Publishing: Center title, margins even, neat, student checks quality using rubric
Brain-Based Strategies
1. Brainstorming/Disussion 2. Games 3. Humor 4. Metaphor/Analogy/Simile 5. Movement 6. Project/Problem-Based Instruction 7. Roleplay/Drama/Pantomime/Charades 8. Technology