3.1 Children and young people should be encouraged to participate in the monthly recordings created by their carers and have the opportunity to give their view on how they have done during the past month. They should have the freedom to say what they want in their report whether it be positive or negative, good or bad. The carers role is to write accurately the events of the past month giving detail to times places and visitors. These records are kept on file by the agency and may be used in the future should there be a need for clarity of past events as in the case of accusation. Any comments the carer wishes to add of a personal opinion should be identified as such.
As with my role as Liason officer during skills to foster, any information I hear about potential carers is kept confidential to the group and the lead manager for the purpose of recruitment and suitability only. This communication for my part is verbal only as the lead manager will be the one to write the report which will include my views for these events.
3.2 During my supervision we discuss what is entered into my reports and this is a time to evaluate the depth of my report and gives an opportunity to expand on detail should it be suggested by my supervising social worker. I can also use the supervision to discuss any other reports I have received or wish to discuss or challenge. I try to be very clear and detailed in my reports but if further information is requested I write a more detailed report of the incident for submission.
I took this opportunity to discuss the use of a form which is used for respite carers. The form gives details for children’s likes and dislikes for food and bedtime, but does not include behavioural tactics or suggestions for carers to handle difficult behaviour. As a result of this discussion, I have formatted a form which can be used alongside the original which will aid respite carers in difficult circumstances.
3.3 I had a report from a social