1:1 the welfare requirements and guidance of the relevant EYFS are put in place to provide information and advice designed to help practitioners meet these legal requirements in ways that reflects the needs of the individual children in their care and is appropriate to their setting.
1:2 there are different stages of reporting and responsibility throughout the work setting these are shown through separate policies and procedures. Each member of staff is encouraged to follow them thoroughly. Reporting information is very important as this could be used as evidence in some serious cases. All information is stored in a locked cabinet in the office and is kept confidential. It is very important that we are responsible in work as we are caring for the needs of other people’s children.
2:2 when receiving children into the setting security safety is important, the child’s parent/career will ring the buzzer and a qualified member of staff will answer the door and let them in. there are codes on all of the doors throughout the setting that parents know. The key worker will greet the parent and child and will ask about the child, how they have been etc, the same happens on collection of the child. However if a career comes to collect the child that we are not familiar with a password must be exchanged before we allow them into the building. During off site visits the ratio changes from 1-4 to 1-3 to ensure maximum safety. The children wear wrist straps and high visible jackets whether in a pram or walking. Each child is counted before leaving the building, whilst out on a visit and also on returning into the setting. Before we leave the manager will make sure all the children are counted for, that we have the nursery mobile (no camera attached) contact numbers and first aid kits. They will sign us out on the outing form. On return they will count everyone all back in. Any medication/ inhalers needed would be taken with us on