Unit 4: Living in Diverse Communities
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Name: Lisa Roe
1. Describe a range of appropriate investigative methods that can be used to explore diversity in a community. You can observe the community using several methods one being you could use observation sheets ,go in the internet use the local library, contact people with expert knowledge. You can use neighbourhood statistic websites that can give you a range of statistics in your local area.
2. Using one (or more) of the methods you outlined in Question 1, describe the extent of diversity that exists within your community. You should illustrate your work with some actual data such as statistics or desktop research.
Spoken languages ,There are currently 73 languages spoken in the Wigan Borough, according to English as an Additional Language statistics within schools. (Wigan Council Census, January 2010). The top languages currently being used by schools is Polish, Chinese, Arabic, Punjabi, French, Malayalam, Urdu, Slovak and Norwegian.38 languages were requested Interpretation services within GP practices in 2008/09. The top languages currently being used by patients within GP practices are Kurdish, Slovak, Farsi, Mandarin, Russian, Arabic, French and Polish. There are currently 68 languages used in Wigan and Leigh College. Top languages spoken are Polish, Arabic, Chinese, Punjabi, Slovak, French, Urdu, Malayan, Russian, and