1."But on one side of the portal… was a wild rose-bush… which might be imagined to offer their fragrance and fragile beauty to the prisoner as he went in…” (Chapter 1, pg.41)…
CHAPTER 18 MELTING MARBLES Checkpoint Halo It was New Year’s Day, and the coffee pot was brewing some fresh coffee. Jerry and Gordon were discussing the raid activities, and Sally was checking to see how many hits Abu received from his YouTube announcement.…
(page 41) Blima's sister-in-law Ruschia said, ' "Well...look, Blima, I do not mean to frighten you, but you know how it's been lately. In the streets, in the stores, and now they look, make faces, and laugh even when we go into the synagogue. And that Hitler---well, you can read the papers for what he says about us. It is just...just hard for us now; that's all I mean." '…
In discussion question 3, we analyze the reasons behind Liesel’s book thievery and how they were important to her- emotionally wise and as well as in her outside relationships.…
Ruth feels unwelcomed and out of place when she returns to Vienna after the war. She says that, “The other survivors of my Viennese childhood irritate me like a powerful itch, and I prefer to avoid them” (p. 19). She does not associate Vienna with the alluring essence that tourists and post-Nazi residents describe.…
This Passage reminds me of the similar situation that has happened to Liesel when her younger brother, Werner, died suddenly during their trip to Germany. Similarly, Arthur Berg is also going through this situation, but with his sister dying in his arms. Also, when death, the narrator says that he "could sense [that] he would hold her for hours," it reminds me of Liesel shaking his brother as she doesn’t believe that he is dead. (Zusak 167) As well, these passage allows the reader to understand that death can arrive at anytime, leaving their loved ones in sorrow, which is also one of theme that is revealed through this piece of…
executioners. The minute the Germans entered Sighet they tormented the Jews. They forced them from their dwelling into Ghettos and took all their belongings. When Elie first examines the Germans he learns to hate them. Their heartless assault on children, women and the elderly stimulates his anger. “.I began to hate them, and my hatred remains our only link today.” (19)…
“AAHHHH!” Aelius screamed as he charged at the opposing army. His heavy bronze chest plate banged against his stomach, knocking the wind out Aelius. The too-large helmet crashed the side of his head, leaving a bruise under his thick dark-brown hair. Aelius’s knees gave out, he buckled at the weight of his heavy armour and gear. Everything went black.…
Chapters 15-19 a lot of important events occurred that will impact the end of the story I think. Such as in chapter 15 we right away found out about the dark truth of Rudy. It was an extremely shocking new, I was not expecting that at all. I used to think Rudy was probably a nice guy mostly after finding out that he was priest. That maybe he had just felt disappointed about the religion or something and therefore he would drink a lot.…
Rainsford wakes up the following morning. Everything in the house is quiet, and he feels alone. Rainsford gets up out of bed and he feels an ache in his neck from something hard in the pillow. He lifted it up to find a knife with blood stains sitting under the pillow. Rainsford didn’t know what to do next, but he knew last night was one of the best he’s ever had. As he sits in the dining room and eats out of fine china, he thinks he might as well give hunting humans a try since killing two the last few days didn’t hurt him at all. He starts walking outside and locates the cellar that holds all the other prisoners from crashed ships. Whenever he walked in, the captives hopped up in excitement thinking they were being rescued because it was someone other than Zaroff walking in.…
One could almost see Bowker’s stressed, confused, yet accepting face through the words in the letter. He’s pouring out his thoughts about life and his place in it, all along the way thinking about what he has said and what he’s going to say next as seen in the second part of the letter that Bowker shows: “God, this is starting to sound like some jerkoff vet crying in his beer. Sorry about that.” (150). It’s here that the roller coaster of emotion levels out a little bit and we can see direct evidence of Bowker start to use this letter as a platform for self-reflection. Generally self-reflection is supposed to be used to identify personal issues to fix them and eventually make yourself into a happier, better person. Here, Bowker attempts to…
Chapter 14-15: In the morning I hide behind a bush until I see Theo. I was hiding from Miss Sister I look out and see Miss Sister is nowhere in sight so I jump out of the bushes. I talk to Theo about all my troubles and problems.…
(E) The author feels ashamed because her thoughts go back and forth between the stories she’s read and her life, and she truly realizes things about social class, and how she has it better than some people.…
When Liesel saw Rudy “her hands were trembling” and she was “losing control and misjudging” things. Liesel was so shocked after seeing Rudy’s corpse that she started losing control of herself. She couldn’t accept his death, so she lost it and continuously tired to wake him up. Liesel described “Papa” as “a man with silver eyes, not dead ones.” Papa had silver eyes when he was alive so she expected him to have those eyes when she found him, but they disappeared and became dead after he lost his soul. His eyes “were all empty” and they “continued to rust.” After looking at Papa, Liesel said, “Goodbye, Papa, you saved me. You taught me to read.” This major detail expresses Liesel’s feelings towards her father, and it shows how important and influential “words” are to her.…
1. I was disappointed that the girl and the boy didn’t get together because I know if they did it’d be something wonderful that would make both of them happy.…