As a prospective member of National Honor Society, I understand that personality and character are important factors for obtaining membership. Through my experience, I grew to become a risk-taker who always seeks to challenge myself by trying new things that would help develop my character and inner strength. In addition, I learned to maintain a positive attitude even after my failures
This is the beginning of an adventure. A journey into the portal of higher education. My mind being the vehicle, my books the necessary food for survival, and my ambitions the will to keep me moving forward down this path. Along the way I expect many challenges to arise, but none that I cannot conquer. The forces that drive me are to further my education, to apply what I learned to a career in nursing, and the overall experience I will have when this is over. Education is the backbone to my life. The more knowledge I posses, the more doors that will be open for me to walk through. Every course that I take will present a new challenge. These challenges will force me to think and be creative. This in turn will stimulate my mind and I will become more resourceful. This process is very important to me. Technology continues to advance at a rapid pace. Being constantly engaged in the learning process will help me remain competitive and relevant in this environment. My ability to embrace new things and use them to my advantage will surely be beneficial in furthering my education and a career in nursing. Nursing is a newfound love that I have acquired. Much like school, nursing constantly presents new and exciting problems on a daily basis. Every patient is different and so is every school assignment. Thus the skills I develop and use in school will crossover into nursing. Some examples would be research and dedication. It is impossible to know everything, but the ability to properly research a task or subject will allow me to find and implement it in the best...
Scholarship, Service, Character, and Leadership are all characteristics of a National Honor Society member. I believe I possess all of these characteristics and should be awarded the honor of becoming a member of NHS. The first characteristic, Scholarship, is best defined in my own words as the academic standings of a particular student. It’s required of a student to keep an average of 90% to maintain membership. I have an accumulative average of 97% to 98% and have made high honors both first and second quarters. The next characteristic is service. Service is any contributions made to a community, without receiving any accommodations for the time spent. I provide many services to my community, without receiving anything more than gratitude. The services I have provided are help with vacation Bible school for the First United Methodist Church of Jermyn. Most of my more notable services are through William Walker Hose Company in Mayfield. There I am a Junior Firefighter and active member. I help set up and run the main picnic which is the annual Corn and Clam Slam. I also help with all the gun raffles, hoagie sales and fish dinners, and all other events. The final service I provide through William Walker Hose Company is working Rehab for fire calls. The third characteristic is character; I define character as doing what’s right for the sake of it instead of it being what someone is told to do. I am a very honest person, possess much responsibility, I’m tolerant, courteous, co-operative when needed, and rarely break rules. The fourth and final characteristic is leadership. Leadership is helping, guiding or leading others reach a goal or create a great accomplishment. I usually become the leader of the group while doing projects for school and another example would be softball.
Thinking back to my freshman year at Crandall High School, the first thing that comes to my mind is my first day. I walked in the door, only to be breath taken of how big the school was. I remember thinking to myself I might as well make myself comfortable here. This is where I will be spending my next four years. I tried out for the Gold Dusters and I made the teams. I worked really hard on all of my school work and I hoped to make my parents proud.
There are many ways one may contribute to their society. Some people may use their intelligence in order to advance society; some may lead the country to a better future; some may make the world a better place just by being in it; and some may volunteer their time to help others. It is difficult to find one person who possesses and contributes all of these qualities, but I am sure that I do. Because the standards for entrance into the National Honor Society are scholarship, leadership, character, and service, I believe that I am more than qualified for entrance into an organization as prestigious as the National Honor Society. Throughout my years as a Delaware Valley High School student, I believe that I have demonstrated all of these attributes. First and foremost, I am an excellent scholar. Not only do I work very hard to achieve my goals, but I take pride in my accomplishments. I am never happy with something that I know is less than my best. I strive for excellence always. Throughout my high school career I have been on the high honor role every marking period, and I have been student of the month for at least one month each year. At the end of my sophomore year I ranked as number 7 in my class. Also, my GPA has never gone below 4.0 and I have never received a grade less than a B+. I believe that the fact that I was nominated to be a member of the National Honor Society shows my academic achievement in itself. I am also capable of being an honorable leader. I am trustworthy and responsible. If something is expected of me, I try my best to live up to the expectations and strive to do even better. I am true to my word and can be trusted to complete a task on time. I am also a respectable person suit to be a leader. I do not follow crowds, nor would I ever desire to; I enjoy being unique. I believe I have a wonderful character to belong to the NHS. I truly care about other people, and wish to better the community. I have a positive attitude