This Literature Review focuses on the implementation of work -life balance policies and the effects they have on organisations. As defined by Lockwood (2003) work-life balance is “a state of equilibrium in which the demands of both a person’s job and personal life are equal.” This paper will review the consequences work life balance policies have on organisational performance, weighing up the cost and benefits for the organisation when introducing a work life balance policy. It is important to determine if the net impact is positive, and if it is beneficial for organisations to implement work life balance policies. A firm will only implement such policies if it has a positive return on investment. The benefits to firms include; reduced absenteeism and stress, improved recruitment and retention rates, and greater employee satisfaction and productivity (Dex and Scheibl, 1999). The costs include; administration costs, disruption to operations, unlimited demand by employees, and cost of equipment and facilities (Drew & Murtagh, 2005).
Theoretical Review
The imbalance between work and personal life is not only having an effect on individuals but on organisational performance. Organizations can implement various work-life balance initiatives which include the following: flexible working hours, job sharing, part-time work, compressed work weeks, parental leave, telecommuting and on-site child care facility (Hartel et al, 2007). An employer’s commitment to work-life initiatives is influenced by the perception of whether or not such initiatives have a positive return on investment. In recent years, employers increasingly realize that the quality of an employee’s personal and family life impacts work quality and that there are concrete business reasons to promote work and family integration (Lockwood, 2003)
The literature reviewed for this paper indicates that the following benefits can result from the implementation of work-life balance
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