When friendships are dissolved, the consequences can be devastating. In Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics - VIII – IX he explains how humans learn from one another, and that humans are innately social animals (Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics - VIII – IX, 148-149). Friendships are required in life learn about values. Without friends, humans would not be able to learn such values from each other, nor will they be able to confide in each other. Having friends in life allow for the mutual growth of both parties. Rebecca Traister writes in her article “What Women Find in Friends That They May Not Get from Love” her experiences with her friend Sara. Traister says, “In each other, we found respite, recognition, a shared eagerness to relax, take stock and talk about it all.” (Sara Traister, “What Women Find in Friends That They May Not Get from Love, 1), going on to say this relationship was mutual where they benefited from each other’s company. As they both grew together over time, much like Aristotle suggests is the value of friendship. Humans life are not fulfilled unless friends are there to support each other. As Traister says, “For many women, friends are our primary partner through life” (Sara Traister, “What Women Find in Friends That They May Not Get from Love, 5). In Traister’s case, the friendship she shares with Sara is a friendship of virtue.…
Since the dialogue left off at an unanswered question, we the readers are unable to discern a definitive conclusion or meaning from the text. So as the reader we are left to our own devices to make our own definition and meaning out of friendship which is probably its greatest strength. Through it and this paper, I was questioning my own understanding of friendship and left me more resolute in my understanding than ever. Most of the definitions our arguments in the Lysis were not the true essence of what friendship is, rather how people can make an initial or enduring connection to get to friendship. Belonging and wisdom are by products and motivators of friendship.…
Friendship is companionship, intimacy, and kinship. Friendship is the bond between two people who have common pleasures and react to problems the same way.…
Friendships can be one in a million. These friends can shape you and form you in so many ways. You can learn an endless amount through friendships as well as accumulating a lot of personal growth. The significance of friendship can teach you unique lessons, to have an open mind, growth, and can give you a stronger feeling of who YOU really are. Friendship means everything to me. I have to be able to trust the person first. We don’t have to have the same interests, this way it makes it more fun learning new things and never getting bored with the same thing. I have to be able to tell this person anything! Just knowing that the person will be there for me no matter what is enough for me!…
A friend is essential in life,having a friend will make life happier and will help you through rough times. A friend is a friend no matter what,and they can be anybody. They can be your family member, classmate,teacher,co-worker or even a random person you met somewhere. The thing is who ever your friends are if they are your real friends,they will support you and they will be by your side no matter what. Just like in the poem “Bridge over troubled water”.…
Friendships should be chosen carefully or it can cause more pain than anything else. The “Friendship in an Age of Economics” speaks of how we value friendship. It says, “We benefit from our close friendships, but they are not a matter of calculable gain and loss. While we draw pleasure from them, they are not a matter solely of consuming pleasure.”…
Friendship is the utmost significant gift to have in your life. John Steinbeck shows that in Of Mice and Men. Without friendship and companionship, people become destructive, lonely, and even sometimes unhinged. It is only a matter of time before you lose your mind. Friendship is one of the most important goods in life and everyone needs it to be a better person and to live a worthy life. There is nothing better than having someone to confide in and disclose your darkest secrets with. George and Lennie show that no matter how annoying or disobeying your friend is, they still love one…
In the essay "Friendship" by Ralph Waldo Emerson the importance of that special bond between two people is constantly conveyed to the reader. Emerson breaks down and explains the different aspects of friendship that we sometimes forget or overlook. He reminds us that acquaintanceship is something to be cherished and that we should never take the people that love us unconditionally for granted. Emerson's frequent use of inspiring and thought-provoking quotes helps the reader understand where he is coming from.…
Friendship is a very powerful word. As children are growing up, their parents and family give them a taste of what friendship really is all about. Starting at a young age, it is smart for parents to teach children the significance of friendship. A friend should be someone who tells the other individual when they are doing wrong. They should influence them to do good, give them a shoulder to cry on, and be that person to talk to when sad. Friendships change over time as you move from childhood to adulthood, however, friendship exists in the positive relationships a person builds.…
William Rawlins’s article “Being There for Friends” is a brief article describing about relationships that can enter adulthood and change lives. The author describes about friendship. Rawlins says “when things are on an “even keel” with family and at work, it is easy to take friends for granted, but when things go poorly or well in life, people want their friends to “be there” to talk to and to help or to celebrate.” (258) This quote describes how friendship requires bonding and keep them strong.…
I believe that a friend is an angel who lifts us of our feet when our wings have a trouble remembering how to fly. It means that our friends are people who will always beside us anytime we need them.…
It’s very important to have a good friend when something happens suddenly no matter good or bad. It’s like sharing each other’s secrets, helping for emergency and advising for life. Everybody must have a good friend in his or her life. If you feel angry and want to talk about his or her bad situation from work or school, having a good friend is a good for listening to what you say.…
Being a good friend means that one will not judge the others mistakes but help with the correction of the mistakes they make. Also listening to problems and lending useful advice to better their situation is being a good friend. No matter what happens, that one person will stand next to one’s decisions and choices. Sometimes one may not always like what their friends have to say but since there is a common ground between the two one will often listen and respect what the other has to say.…
Friendship always played an important role for people It is obvious because people are social beings and they need to communicate. However we all think differently and it is significant how people distinguish friendship from other relationships. A question arises : what can friendship mean? What does it mean for me in particularly?…
Friends are those people who surround us with care and love. When life is so dark and all doors are closed, friends are that hope you can stand by. However, friends do not always form that beautiful emotional relationships, some of them rather carry other hidden intentions which are covered by the name of friendship. I believe that friends fall under two main categories which are real friends and friends of special interests.…