Listening Plan When I think about attending a MADD meeting might be like, I’m not really sure what to expect. l know the time of the meeting; Wednesday at 5:30pm October 13, 2010. I’ll make sure to eat before going. I don 't want to be hungry and I don 't like vending machine food. l know me well enough that if I don 't eat before going to this meeting I won 't be a good listener. I have been this way since grammar school. I always had to have a good breakfast. The night before I will make sure to set out my back pack. I’ll make sure that I have my note pad, pen, glasses, Kleenex (I am prepared to cry a lot) and MADD information pamphlets and other available material. I will make sure that I set the alarm on my cell phone and hour earlier than usual. l want to be ahead of the game. I will get a good seat, close to the font. I don 't want to be morbid, but I don 't want to just listen to a speaker. I want to see and hear and feel what they are feeling. l want to see the expressions on the speaker’s faces when they tell their stories, and hear the emotion in their voices, and see the tears on their faces. This is important to me because I want to see and feel from another person 's perspective, in particular those that were -- and still are -- affected by the negative impact of drunk driving. lf I were a mother of one victim, I 'm sure my feelings are going to differ greatly from the person who caused the tragedy, the drunk driver. Listening Essay The subject matter I chose was M.A.D.D. – Mother’s Against Drunk Driving, Located at 2003 Howe Avenue, Sacramento, California on October 13, 2010 at 5:30pm. As I drove to an actual MADD meeting I still had my preconceived idea about the speakers, offenders, stories of unnecessary deaths and so forth. However, when I came through the door, I may just as well dismissed everything; Believe me in no way was it what I thought it would be. I was able to get a seat up-close
Cited: "Mothers Against Drunk Driving." Driven Fall 2003. Print. Drinking in America. State of California, 1999. Print. "Law Enforcement." MADD-Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Web. 15 Oct. 2010. "DUI/DWI Laws." Institute for Highway Safety, Highway Loss Data Institute. Web. 15 Oct. 2010. . "Local Car Wreck Victims Identified." Redding Record Searchlight. 24 Sept. 2007. Web. 15 Oct. 2010. .