Main Factors of Lesson Plan PapersWhen addressing a classroom without goals, objectives, and a clear path is an obvious mistake that any teacher could make. The greatest idea will fall flat without understanding what to consider when lesson planning, and as we know all lessons require knowing how to reach specific students and how to respond to their needs as a student. Outlined in this paper is the Framework for Teaching, Core propositions, comparison of framework and propositions, main factors to consider when lesson planning, and how to identify the difference between goals and objectives, as well as observable and measurable objectives.
Charlotte Danielson 's Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching (2007), Danielson used the Praxis III assessment and created organized responsibilities for teachers. Within this, there are four domains that were covered in The Framework for Teaching; planning and preparation, classroom environment, instruction and, professional responsibilities. She outlines what each of the four domains is and clearly states the key concept and thesis.
In 1987, The National Board of Certified Teachers (NBCTs) created a policy of the vision of accomplished teaching that they had. NBCTs also created The Five Core Propositions to “form the foundation and frame the rich amalgam of knowledge, skills, dispositions, and beliefs.” The Five Core Propositions are: teachers are committed to their students and their learning, teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to the students, teachers are responsible for monitoring and managing student learning, teachers should think systematically about their practice and learn from experience, and teachers are members of a learning community. All five of these propositions outline what every teacher should know and be able to do. Here is a visual organizer comparing the framework of lesson planning to the propositions of teaching by using different colors to categorize it. It is clear to see how the framework for lesson planning comes across in the propositions for effective teachers.
Teachers should be able to create plans of goals and activities to help promote learning and implement instruction into their everyday lessons. A detailed lesson plan should consider how to organize and achieve the goals and objectives of the lesson that is being taught. When a teacher is planning a lesson, they should start with the end in mind. Including several instruction methods to ensure, various learning types are being addressed. To have an effective lesson it has to focus on time allowances to be able to ensure productivity and completion of the extra activities. Once the initial lesson is complete, revisions, adaptations, and sometimes, re-teaching the lesson may be crucial in order to make sure that every student fully understands. Goals and objectives, as well as observable and measurable objectives, are important to have in the lesson plan as well. Goals for a lesson are an outline for students to understand the direction that they are intended to go in. Goals are not measurable. Objectives clearly define the goal, including measurable and observable behaviors. A method if setting clear objectives in lesson planning is to use S.M.A.R.T., which is an acronym for (S) Specific, (M) Measurable, (A) Attainable, (R) Realistic or relevant, and (T) Time Limited. For Example teaching students how to draw a triangle is the goal. The objective is that students will show their understanding by (a) identifying the correct and incorrect triangle, (b) correctly draw a triangle. This behavior is observable of the triangle identified correctly and drawn correctly. The measurable objective is to have 80% of the class showing they can do both of these things without help.
Teaching to a captive audience is a huge responsibility. To be able to honor this responsibility it is our duty as a teacher to create engaging and nourishing lessons for every student. As well as being able to understand the logic, method, and clear process of lesson planning that will allow observable and measurable success in the classroom.
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (2014).
The Five Core Propositions. Retrieved on October 17, 2014 from
Methods for Effective Teaching: Meeting the Needs of All Students, Sixth Edition, by Paul R.
Burden and David M. Byrd. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc. Retrieved October 17, 2014.
References: National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (2014). The Five Core Propositions. Retrieved on October 17, 2014 from Methods for Effective Teaching: Meeting the Needs of All Students, Sixth Edition, by Paul R. Burden and David M. Byrd. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc. Retrieved October 17, 2014.