Fayol synthesised 14 principles for organisational design and effective administration. Although not completely applicable to some modern organisation structures but still many of these principles are still regarded as fundamentals. Fayol's 14 principles are:
1)Division of labour: A principle of work allocation and specialisation in order to concentrate activities to enable specialisation of skills and understandings, more work focus and efficiency.
2)Authority (with corresponding responsibility): Fayol's second principle recognises the importance of authority in a business organisation. Authority is the right to give orders and the power to corresponding obedience. If responsibilities are allocated then the manger (post holder) needs the requisite authority to carry these out including the right to require others in the area of responsibility to undertake duties.
3)Discipline: The generalisation about discipline is that discipline is essential for the smooth running of a business and without it - standards, consistency of action, adherence to rules and values - no enterprise could prosper.
4)Unity of Command: In this principle Fayol advocates that a
Bibliography: oUnderstanding Organisations-Penguin Books, Third edition, Charles.B.Handy,1985 oChanging Behaviour In Organisations-Basil Blackwell Ltd., First Edition 1991, reviewed 1996; Arnold S. Judson oModern Organisations -Organisation Studies in the Postmodern World; Sage Publications, Re-print 1995, Stewart R. Clegg oBusiness Studies- changes in the Organisations, S.Chand & Sons. Second Edition,1997, C.B.Gupta oOrganisation and Environment, First Published in 1967, Richard D. Irwin, Inc, Paul R. Lawrence and Jay W. Lorsch oThe Myths of Management, Whurr Publishers Ltd London,1996, Adrin Furnham oGeneral and Industrial Management, Pitman. Publications, London, Henri Fayol 1949. oOrganisational Behaviour, third edition, The Dryden Press, Robert P. Vecchio oOticon 's case study oLecture Notes