City and state:
1. Draw the network diagram (use activity on the node)
2. Explain how you determined the timing of activities and the total float.
From the diagram above, the ES or earliest start time is zero for activity A. Therefore, ES equals the EF or earliest finish time of the predecessor. An example can be from the diagram above as ES of C activity is EF of activity B i.e. 9 days. Earliest finish time is computed when the duration of any activity is added to the earliest start time. The equation will be:
Earliest finish time = Earliest start time + Duration
For example, the above equation can be used for calculating EFT for activity C.
EFT of C = 9 days + 10 days
It is important to note that any activity with the longest duration is specified as the critical activity (Baker 2001). From the activities of SamMax Ltd, activity C has the longest duration i.e. 10 days as compared to other activities which have 9, 8 and 6 days of activities D, E and F, accordingly.
The latest start time is computed by adding float to latest start time of the critical activity (Anon 2007). The equation for this scenario is:
Latest start time = Latest start time or EST of the critical activity + total float
The equation can be used for activity D where LST of critical activity C is 9 days plus total float of activity D i.e. 1 day. The addition results in 10 days.
The latest finish time can be calculated as the addition of duration to latest start time of activity and the equation can be written as under:
Latest finish time = Latest start time + Duration
The above equation can be used in calculating the LFT of activity E i.e. EFT of E is 11 days and the duration is 8 days. Therefore, LFT for this activity is 19 days.
The total float is calculated by deducting EST or earliest start time and duration from latest finish time (Furman 2011). The example can be
References: Holland and Holland Enterprises Ltd. 2011, Successful Project Management. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 December 2013].