I welcome you to the discussion about the benefit and downfalls of a society deamed to mandatory national service. Should our Government require every citizen to provide some type of national service, at a minimum but not limited to a year? Or should every citizen continue to have the right to restrict themselves of any national services? Lets weigh both options and provide supporting details to each. Many of you readers probably agree with the idea of mandatory national service. One supporter of this movement writes in a letter to a news program and argues that the service would bring new oppurtunities and interests to the individual as well as bring people of diverse back grounds and cultures together.
I welcome you to the discussion about the benefit and downfalls of a society deamed to mandatory national service. Should our Government require every citizen to provide some type of national service, at a minimum but not limited to a year? Or should every citizen continue to have the right to restrict themselves of any national services? Lets weigh both options and provide supporting details to each. Many of you readers probably agree with the idea of mandatory national service. One supporter of this movement writes in a letter to a news program and argues that the service would bring new oppurtunities and interests to the individual as well as bring people of diverse back grounds and cultures together.