LO 1 Be able to apply the main principles affecting the legal relationship between organizations and their consumers | AssignmentNumber:__1__of __4__for this Unit | Date set: January 28, 2013 | Review Dates:February 04, 2013February 11, 2013February 18, 2013 | Date for final submission: February 25, 2013 | Learner declaration: I confirm that this assignment is my own work and any assistance received has been acknowledged and all sources have been stated.Signature: Date: | Scenario:You are a legal analyst for the Kalikova & Associates Company. In preparation for a large cooperative initiative, you have been tasked with reviewing the legal relationships between businesses and their consumers.Grading: If no merit and distinction descriptors are stated below then there is no opportunity to earn Merit or Distinction grades for this assignment. | Sources of information: Lecture #1 Main principles of legal regulations concerning consumer rights protections, and the sales processPrint Out of the Respective Law (Consumer Rights Protection Law)Lecture #2, Law of Notary Activity, and respective Civil Code (electronic version)Lecture #3 Civil Code, Sales Process Regulations, and Tax Codes protecting consumers and sellersLecture #4 Laws for Product Liability, Technical Standards, and Civil Code. | Possible evidence: For each task: Well-structured report from 900 words to 2000 words with 12 font size, Times New Roman and 1.5 spaces.
Practical Simulation in class. Studentswho do not participate in the class legal simulations; will not the