Advertising & Promotion in Business – Unit 18
The essential parts of the assignment are :
Title page
Table of contents
Main body of the assignment clearly identifying the separate tasks
Conclusions and recommendations
Appendix (only if relevant and necessary)
Complete your report in 3000 10% tolerance. Show your word count at the end. Word count excludes title page, table of contents, reference pages appendices and charts /graphs. Please be aware if sections of the assignment have their own word counts.
The report should be grammatically correct and word processed. Pages should be numbered. Use font size 12 with line spacing 1.5. The use of subheadings within the document and bullet points may aid producing a better structure and presentation.
List reference using the Harvard referencing style.
You will pass the assignment only if you achieve all Pass criteria. Merit and Distinction require further analytical and critical commentary.
The assignment deadline is final, no late submissions will be accepted. Assignments will have to be submitted by 11.59 pm on the day of deadline. The assignment is due in on 13thMarch 2013 and a soft copy must be uploaded to ‘Turnitin’.
Grade descriptors
A pass grade is achieved by meeting all the requirements defined in the pass assessment criteria for each unit.
Merit descriptors
Indicative characteristics
Distinction descriptors
Indicative characteristics
In order to achieve a merit the learner must: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions
The learner’s evidence shows:
In order to achieve a distinction the learnermust: Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions The learner’s evidence shows:
Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques Present and communicate appropriate findings