Han Pan
ANTH4177 Professor Egyed
Media Freedom in China since 1949 Abstract
This Article argues whether the people’s republic of China has achieved freedom of speech since the country has founded. The author has conducted researches and interviews on different group of people to obtain opinions of media freedom in different aspects which including public press, internet and social media. The article also combined ideas from several interesting journals to interpret the concept of “public opinion supervision” and identify the true cause of the CCP’s media control ideology.
China has experienced several different stages of development since it founded in 1949; media control exists in every development stage to varying degrees. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has never fully given up media control due to its fundamental governing principle, which is to eliminate any different voices that hinder social and political stability. However, the increasing economic liberalization in the recent decades has caused the media to be increasingly commercialized and decentralized, this new trend has forced the CCP to develop new strategies to monitor and control public opinion. However, the situation is becoming more and more complex as proliferation of societal and market organizations outside the government’s direct oversight makes public media harder to control. The rising of internet and other social networking technologies has made the conventional media censor techniques hard to employ and function as well.
This interesting situation has created a “regime of uncertainty” in the future of Chinese media and surely deserves deeper look by both China scholars and organization theorists. (Hassid, 2008)
Keywords: China, media, Chinese Communist Party, control
Sixty years after the communism “liberation” of the People’s Republic of China, there
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