In the field of Medical Administrative Assistant, there is a multitude of career choices to branch off into. Of these many fields, the three that I choose to discuss are Medical Billing, Medical Coding and Medical Assistant. All three careers are of high demand in the medical industry and each requires the need of basic classes, with a couple of varied courses, depending on the field. Basic requirements for all include a high school diploma or GED. Most require an Associates degree, consisting of specific major courses and general liberal arts courses. Additionally, these professions can continue to advance their careers by obtaining a higher degree or attaining alternate types of specific certifications.
It can be confusing when talking about medical billing, coding and assisting. People often use these terms interchangeably, when in fact, they contain separate functions. All are within the perimeters of medical assisting job definition with both similar and differentiating roles. All three fields require a background or knowledge of medical practices and procedures, as well as special billing, coding and medical software. Medical billing and coding are often referred to as a single term; however, in terms of employment and specific roles they are quite different. Both are in high demand because of the ever-changing medical world. Hospitals, clinics and other healthcare organizations are beginning to recognize the significance of technology in the industry. With the increasing amount of patient data being transferred between locations and facilities, efficiency and simplicity is of utmost relevance. Medical Assisting takes on a slightly different role. It can be administrative, clinical or a combination of the two, depending on the employer’s industry and needs. The following is a breakdown of the specifics of the three above named careers; their similarities, differences, roles, responsibilities, tasks,
References: (2010). Medical Billing and Coding Overview. Retrieved June 21, 2011. MedicalCodingandBilling. (2011). Medical Coding and Billing: Success of Hidden Pitfalls Exposed. Retrieved June 22, 2011, from American Academy of Professional Coders. (2011). Credentialing the Business Side of Medicine. Retrieved June 22, 2011, from What are you Worth?. (2011). In Salary Index. Retrieved June 22, 2011, from