Mr. Malone
Deborah Byrd
TO: Incoming Students
FROM: Deborah Byrd RN.
DATE: March 23, 2014
SUBJECT: Your Upcoming Graduation
As a recent Bryant Stratton College nursing student, I have recently had the challenge of competing with the stressful task of job searching. During my search, I have encountered several situations where my skills obtained in other areas would come in handy in my job search. I would like to share some of these employer seeking skills with you. College is a stressful and trying time for most of us. But it is important to focus on the soft skills needed to compete with other nursing students in this growing field.
Soft skills are the special skills that most employers look for, especially in the nursing field. The total College experience is key to these skills. Classes that teach these skills are English 101,250. This course teaches excellent communication skills, along with written and verbal skills Sociology 201 is equally important, and it teaches critical thinking as well as how to promote team or group work. Philosophy is another important subject. It promotes the law and use of ethics and problem solving. After completing these additional courses included in your nursing program, you are exposed to the college experience. This promotes motivation, multi-tasking, discipline, and time-management skills. All of which are viewed as accessible skills for future employers.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this memo, and I hope that this was useful information that can be used in your future job search. Feel free to contact me by E-mail at
Thank You
Deborah Byrd RN