The novel opens with Gregor in his monstrous state, late for work. He infers that his job as a traveling salesman is very consequential, yet he is growing tired and frustrated, "The upset of doing business is much worse than the actual business in the home office, and, besides, I've got the torture of traveling, worrying about changing trains, eating miserable food at all hours, constantly seeing new faces, no relationships that last or get more intimate. To the devil with it all!" Gregor has a great amount of fury towards his job, which eventually led to his anger towards society as a whole. The fact that his office manager showed up at Gregor's house plays an immense role in creating trepidation and anxieties in Gregor's mind. Gregor feels strangled by his job and is too weak to tolerate the pressure.
In addition to the pressure created by his office manager and society, the Samsa's, especially Gregor's father, take advantage of him. Gregor earns the basic income to support his family. "But of course he actually could have paid off more of his father's debt to the boss with this extra money, and the clay on which he could have gotten rid of his