The system is designed by combining the methods of cognitive therapy with mindfulness practices to establish a deeper sense of relief from various mental noises experienced by the patients of chronic depression.
Mindfulness exercises used in this therapy is derived from the teachings of Buddhist meditation practices that helps a person to become more aware of his thoughts, sensations, feelings, emotions etc.
MBCT is an improvised form of the famous mindfulness based stress reduction program (ADD LINK) that was created by John Kabat.
Cognitive …show more content…
Some simple mindfulness exercises enables you to become an observer of your thoughts, bodily sensations, emotions and feelings whenever you get into a negative mind state, doing this will detach you from that particular state and this is a natural way to escape some very troublesome emotional issues like depression.
MBCT Program
MBCT is an 8 week program takes you through different levels from understanding the process to performing it appropriately.
Majority of the task in this course is done by participants during their usual hours by applying the lessons they learn in class this include various mindfulness activities and meditations, whereas the classes are held for few hours only on few targeted weekly days.
The course also involves some Yoga and breathing exercises that helps one to develop a increased present moment awareness.
MBCT has been significantly successful in treating the patients of depression and many studies have supported the health benefits and effectiveness of this