Aligning spelling to The National Literacy Strategy
Phonics and Spelling programme
200_ – 200_
Aim: To develop reading and writing skills across the school
Also refer to Sound it out, Learn to read document
Guidance …………………………...3
Reception: Phase 2 …………………4
Reception: Phase 3 …………………5
Year 1: Phase 4 ……………………..7
Year 2: Phase 5 ……………………..11
Year 3………………………………..14
Year 4………………………………..18
Year 5.……………………………….21
Year 6………………………………..24
Guidance for use
Progression in Spelling (encoding)
Practitioner should judge the point at which their class and individual children should begin the programme
Select five words a day to work with; teaching children how to put sounds together to make words; going from left to right (encoding)
Together as a class use each word in a sentence. Children can then read these independently later
In addition to this programme, children should be given a period for uninterrupted silent reading at KS2. KS1 and EYFS should share stories, poems and rhymes daily and children given a poem or rhyme per week to memorise. Daily handwriting practice is also recommended
NB: Early EAL and SEN pupils will be operating outside their Letters & Sounds phases or year group. Please refer to their individual IEP.
Spelling List – Reception (phase 2)
1. ad
2. ag
3. am
4. an
5. ap
6. at
7. ut
8. c bad dad had lad mad pad sad bag gag nag rag sag tag wag
am dam ham jam ram yam Sam
an can fan man pan ran van
cap lap map nap rap tap zap sap yap
at bat cat fat hat mat pat rat sat but cut gut hut nut rut
cap cat cod cot cup cut car
9. as, ax
10. ed, eg
11. en, es
12. et
13. id, i
14. ig, im
15. k
16. P as gas has fax tax wax
Bed fed led red wed
beg leg peg den hen men pen