
Mistake In History

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Do you believe there was a worst mistake in the history of human race? Could it all kinda tie together, and be the same mistake in our history. I think it wasn't our worst mistake in history of the human race. I believe us not not getting rid of the terious in the world when we had the chance, like Hitler.

Jared Diamonds look on the worst mistake in history, is that he thinks it was the worst mistake in human race. He thinks it was the the biggest mistake in human history because it was one of the biggest mistakes but not the biggest one.

I think it wasn't the biggest mistake on our history. Why, well simply because when we had Hitler and other bad people in our world why didn't we do what did happen but do it earlier. So as I think we should do what's necessary at the point that's it's needed. So what do you believe was the worst mistake in the history of the human race.
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I think that the wars affect us because they take a lot of lives of our soldiers and cause lots of pain. So as i have said before i think that the wars are our biggest mistake in history because we could kill all when we needed to.
Ask yourself what was the biggest mistake in the history of the human race. So really think about it. try to figure out what you think is the biggest mistake in the human by doing research and more to support your

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